Feeding the Curious Mind Series

London Uncovered

Book I in the series “Feeding the Curious Mind” is called “London Uncovered.” But what is there to uncover from one of the best-known cities in the world? Every place has secrets, things that have been forgotten either through the influence of history, events that may have been covered up to protect the guilty or just incidents or locations that have some weird or quirky side to them.

And if we consider London, with over two thousand years of history behind it, we can find a great treasure trove of the unlikely or amazing hiding around the corner, above you or often, below the ground you are standing on. Some involve famous people and memorable events, but many are about lesser-known individuals and places you may not have heard of. But after reading about them, you will find it difficult to forget them.

So, whether you are an armchair historian, a collector of the strange and macabre or just want to be entertained and mildly surprised at what you read, then sit back and enjoy a journey through London’s murky, but utterly interesting past.

Unexplained World

Book II in the series “Feeding the Curious Mind” takes us into the world of the unexplained, including mysteries, both well-known and obscure, as well as murders and other crimes from history and recent ones which are still unsolved.

In addition, there are stories of the uncanny. These are not about skeletons rattling their chains but well-documented cases which raises the question of what is really happening. I do not believe in ghosts as such and in most of the cases, I set out the evidence and give you my opinion. But at end, it is you, the reader, who will make your own judgement. And in some of the examples, you may find that your conclusion will surprise you.

So, if your hunger for knowledge stretches to a large asteroid strike in the twentieth century, spontaneous human combustion, lost aircraft, disappearing towns, lost treasures which are almost certainly still undiscovered, a family of serial killers, a witch who sent the US Army retreating, the remotest place on Earth where you will likely be murdered by the inhabitants and a secret nuclear explosion which still defies explanation, then this book will give you the facts as we know them and feed your imagination.

Secret Universe

It has been famously said that Space is the Final Frontier. And the more we penetrate it, the stranger and more amazing it becomes. We are finding the planets and moons in our solar system hold many secrets. Oceans of subterranean water, worlds of ice and great geysers bursting up from the surface into space all appear to be part of our family of planets.

And as we move further out into the galaxy and then into the universe, even stranger objects and phenomena are waiting for us. Giant black holes seem to be at the centre of every galaxy and their presence may even hold one of the secrets of why the universe is the way it is.

In this Book III of Feeding the Curious Mind, we will travel back in time to see how the universe could have come into existence and how it might all end. But that is only half the story. It is also about the special breed of men and women who first imagined being able to go into space and to those who are now the new pioneers and explorers of the “undiscovered country.” From the earliest flights to space stations and moon landings, the successes, the failures and the tragedies are all here. And where we have not yet travelled, space probes and robot rovers are leading the way.

One of the big questions is, “Are we alone in the universe?” The evidence coming back to us is saying that life may very well exist on other worlds. We are discovering new evidence which points to it. The latest space probes are actively looking for it. Humans are at heart, explorers. We have mapped our own planet and now we are on our way to exploring new worlds. It’s an exciting universe, you can start your exploration of it here.

OMG! I Didn’t Know That Book I

Book IV is the series of “Feeding the Curious Mind” is dedicated to either correcting many long-held beliefs that turn out not to be true or stories which at first glance are true, but upon delving deeper, we find that there is an alternative “truth” to them.

The choice in subjects is both wide and eclectic, covering the worlds of astronomy, nature, geography, geology, history, medicine, the human body and culture to name but a few. So, if you’d like to know what the Moon smells and tastes of, find out that a beach could be higher than Mount Everest, the driest place on Earth may not be a desert, the deadliest creature on the planet, the largest living thing on Earth (and it’s not a whale), the true number of Henry VIII’s wives, where to find a diamond that is 2,500 miles across to name but a few, then “OMG! I Didn’t Know That” will let you into their secrets.

OMG! I Didn’t Know That Book II

Book V in the series of “Feeding the Curious Mind” takes “OMG! I Didn’t Know That” even further. It too, is dedicated to either correcting many long-held beliefs that turn out not to be true or stories which at first glance are true, but upon delving deeper, we find that there is an alternative “truth” to them.

Once again, the choice in subjects is both wide and eclectic, covering the worlds of astronomy, nature, geography, geology, history, medicine, the human body and culture to name but a few. So, this time, if you’d like to know how to go faster than the speed of light in your car, the real colour of your brain, the coldest place in the universe, what Thomas Crapper really did, a gaol for polar bears and the first real computer bug along with many others, then “OMG! I Didn’t Know That II” will let you into their secrets.

OMG! I Didn’t Know That Book III

Book VI in the series “Feeding the Curios Mind” has another collection of stories which in most cases, blows away any preconceived you may have about the subject. Even when the original tale is ostensibly true, it is often the case that an alternative “truth” may also be found to be accurate.

As with the other books in this series, it covers a wide range of subjects including history, space travel, medicine, strange creatures, science and zombies! So, if the idea of finding out the truth behind relativity, living with a tiger, why submarines love shrimps, the most dangerous job in the world undertaken by millions, the real shape of water, why prime minister is really a term of abuse and many others, then “OMG! I Didn’t Know That III” will answer them.

OMG! I Didn’t Know That Book IV

Book VII is the latest in the series “Feeding the Curios Mind” and it once again contains another assortment of stories which in most cases, will force you to rethink what you originally believed about them. Even if there is a lot of truth to the original tale, it is often the case that an alternative “truth” may also be found to be more accurate.

As with the other books in this series, it covers a wide range of subjects including astronomy, people, animals, the world, the mind and body and science and technology. So, if the idea of finding out the truth about the most fearless animal in the world, the place which attracts the most germs in your home, how to weigh a cloud, how to survive a plane crash, the most dangerous sport in the world, along with many others, then “OMG! I Didn’t Know That IV” will answer them.

OMG! I Didn’t Know That Book V

This latest volume in the series “Feeding the Curious Mind” and “Omg! I Didn’t Know That” aims to do what the other books have done. But, this time it will stretch your mind and beliefs to new limits. What you may have always believed to be a true fact, may not be quite accurate. And in some cases, a whole new viewpoint will open your mind to new possibilities, or in this case, new probabilities. Once more, there is a wide and eclectic range of subjects and stories including history, people, strange animals, medical marvels and the world at large, to name but a few.

So, if you would like to think again or for the first time, consider what the most alcoholic animal in the world is, the truth about leprosy, how Houdini really died, why you might sneeze whilst having sex, the fastest sprinter the world has ever known or not known and which part of England was going to be blown up with an atomic bomb, then these questions and much more will all be answered.

Stories from a Strange World

There cannot be many of us who do not find strange and sometimes amazing occurrences both fascinating and a bit frightening. It can be even more disconcerting to know that the event is either true or is a mystery with more than one possible answer. Many of these happened years ago and this could mean that details may have been lost or distorted. However, there are lots more that are more recent and we have much evidence to support the uncanny and mysterious circumstances surrounding them.

And then there are strange stories of dying. But there are many kinds of departing and in a number of cases, maybe not quite departing. There are tales where we still have no idea whether they were natural, suicide or murder. Through all of these stories I will present the evidence for and against and in most cases I will give you my personal thoughts about what might have happened. But at the end it will be up to you to decide.

So, if you’d like to hear about the villagers who could not stop dancing until they dropped down dead, the number of cosmonauts who secretly died going into space, the screaming Egyptian mummy, the many severed feet that kept washing ashore in Canada, the mysterious death of Pope John-Paul I, who killed Superman, the road to Atlantis, the truth about Butch and Sundance as well as many more, then these and many others will make you think.

It might sound like a gore-fest. It is not. But, it is a fascinating journey into the unknown.

Your Place in the Universe and How to Survive It

None of us chose to be here. But, here we are, a unique set of chemicals and other substances, living a life in one way or another and sometimes asking ourselves, “Who am I?” “What am I Doing Here?” and “What the Hell is it all About?”

We are a particular gender (or not), a certain age, we may have a current job, a career or be retired. Perhaps we have a belief system which satisfies our worries for the future and if we are lucky, we can enjoy regular social connections.

But if you still have questions, this book may answer some of them. What it will certainly do is open your eyes to an amazing world, an incredible universe and a journey into who we really are, what part we play in the universe and once taking part, how to survive everything life and death throws at us.

I can promise you an amazing journey through time, space and your mind and body. And don’t worry, there will be laughs on the way too.

The Edge of Knowledge

How much do we really know about ourselves, the world around us, and the very far reaches of the universe? Today, we can answer many such questions, and as our knowledge increases, how much more can there be left to understand?

The answer is there are many unanswered questions. As we delve deeper into sub-atomic particles and the world of quantum mechanics in which they exist or look further out into space and back in time, more questions present themselves.

But is there a limit to our knowledge? Are there some questions which will remain impossible to answer? That in itself, is an impossible question. And many of the remaining puzzles could be described as the Big Questions. These are the ones which could radically change our view on the way we look upon ourselves and our place in the universe.

How did the universe begin? How will it end? Is there a single equation to explain everything? Will we ever be able to cure all cancers? Is time travel possible? Will climate change lead to the next mass extinction?

These and many other Big Questions can be found in this book. The author, a science writer and programme maker, takes us to the edge of our present knowledge and then takes a peek into the future to see where the latest research is heading.